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Approval Series (or Qclass):

Safety equipment, materials, or installations requiring Coast Guard approval are issued approval numbers in the form 000.000 / 0000000 / 0. The first six digits and the decimal point are the "Approval Series (Qclass)." Many Approval Series (Qclass) numbers (but not all) correspond to subparts in 46 CFR Subchapter Q, hence their name Qclass (for example, "Kapok Life Preserver" are assigned a Qclass/Approval Series of "160.002"). To see a list of all Approval Series', Click Here.

Approval Series Name:

For the above example of Approval Series (Qclass) 160.002, "Kapok Life Preserver" is known as the Approval Series Name (or Qclass description).

USCG Accepted Laboratory - Sub Laboratory:

The name of the laboratory accepted by the Coast Guard and if applicable, the name of its sub laboratory. For example, Underwriters Laboratories has four different sub laboratories located in different locations, testing different equipment, with different contact personnel.

State Name:

The name of the state in which the accepted laboratory is located.

Country Name:

The country in which the accepted laboratory is located.

General Keyword Search:

This is a general search of all text fields for a specified keyword.

Wildcard Characters:

Wildcard characters are automatically added to all text based searches. However, if you wish to further refine your search you may use two wildcard characters. The underscore '_' character replaces a single character. Example: J_pan searches for Japan, Jbpan, Jcpan and so on. The percent '%' character can be used to replace any combination of characters. Example: Ja% would return both Japan and Jacksonville.
Last Update:
Monday, February 10, 2025